Webinar on how to nail a job interview

UTAR Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS) of Kampar Campus organised a webinar titled “Nail Your Job Interview” on 19 April 2023. Parked under CFS’s Community Service Committee (CSC), the two-hour webinar successfully attracted a total of 192 participants, comprising students, staff and members of the public. It was organised via Zoom.

“Job seeking is a crucial stage in building a successful professional career. However, preparing for a job interview can be an unnerving experience for many people. To help participants excel in any job interview and understand the proper resume writing format, CSC invited Fidza Hamdan, the Candidate Marketing Lead at JobStreet Malaysia to share her insights with the participants. Participants were also exposed to online job applications’ do’s and don’ts,” said the Organising Committee Chairperson M. Kavitha.

Fidza Hamdan is an experienced trainer with more than ten years of experience in industries such as Fintech, e-commerce, and education. She possesses a unique background in marketing, communication, project management, and corporate communications, and is dedicated to assisting job seekers in developing their careers, ranging from fresh graduates to experienced candidates.

The speaker advised participants to explain why the career path or field of study was chosen and highlight their impressive experiences and accomplishments by relating their answers to the job description and skills that the interviewers are looking for.

She also highlighted some important etiquette that should be observed during a job interview which included being well-prepared and punctual for the interview.

Before attending the interview, Fidza emphasised the significance of understanding the role that participants have applied for and conducting thorough research about the hiring company.

Fidza then moved on to the post-interview phase, advising participants to send a thank-you note within 24 to 48 hours after the interview, expressing gratitude for the opportunity and highlighting positive experiences during the interview.

In addition, the speaker also explained six key points for creating a resume that stands out and increases the chances of securing a job interview.  

In the final part of the webinar, the speaker provided a guide to getting started on JobStreet Malaysia, explaining how to set up an account and search for jobs based on one’s field of study. She also recommended the “Career Advice” tab on the platform, which offers a variety of career tools, such as an interview practice tool, calculator, and free resume templates. The participants actively participated in a quiz and question-and-answer sessions, with some winning Touch 'N Go e-wallet credits. The webinar was highly praised by attendees for being enlightening and informative, and group photos were taken to commemorate the event.

The speaker Fidza (top right) explaining the agenda of her webinar

Snapshots of the speaker and participants at the end of the webinar